Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Viral Video Shows 24-Year-Old Bride Overjoyed To Marry Much Older Groom. Here’s Why


Shared on Instagram, the caption clarifies the couple’s ages and provides an explanation for the bride’s enthusiasm: the groom is a 40-year-old BPSC teacher, meaning he has a secure government job

The bride and groom's energetic dance moves have captivated viewers, with the video amassing over 1.8 million views and a flurry of comments. (News18)
The bride and groom’s energetic dance moves have captivated viewers, with the video amassing over 1.8 million views and a flurry of comments. (News18)

Viral wedding videos are ten a penny on social media, showcasing everything from playful jai mala antics to energetic relatives stealing the show.

Occasionally, these videos capture truly bizarre events, but this viral sensation focuses on a somewhat mismatched couple. The video claims a significant age gap between the bride and groom, with the bride being 24 years old and the groom 40.

Despite this difference, the video shows the bride’s instant delight upon seeing her groom, dancing with unbridled joy. The reason for her happiness, however, has been revealed. Shared on Instagram by Mayank Kumar Patel, the caption clarifies the couple’s ages and provides an explanation for the bride’s enthusiasm: the groom is a 40-year-old BPSC teacher, meaning he has a secure government job.

Dancing To The Beat Of Security?

The video features the couple dancing exuberantly to the popular Bhojpuri song Dhar Kamar Rajaji by Neelkamal Singh. As the groom confidently holds the bride’s waist, their energetic dance moves have captivated viewers, with the video garnering over 1.8 million views, thousands of likes, shares, and a flurry of comments.

Reactions to the video range from amusement to cynicism. Some commenters poke fun at the groom’s age, while others highlight the significance of secure employment in marriage decisions. One commenter even confesses to feeling anxious about marriage and the thought of leaving their parents, highlighting the diverse emotions this viral video has evoked.

News viral Viral Video Shows 24-Year-Old Bride Overjoyed To Marry Much Older Groom. Here’s Why | Watch

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