Wednesday, October 16, 2024

If you check your phone the first thing after waking up, here are five ways your are harming your body


In today’s hyper-connected world, many people have developed a habit of reaching for their phones as soon as they wake up. This might seem harmless, but according to Dr ShubhKarman Singh Saini, MD Psychiatrist, De-Addiction Expert, and Sexologist at Manjeet Saini Hospital, Jalandhar, this routine can have significant negative effects on physical and mental health.

The condition known as NoMoPhobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia) describes the fear of being disconnected from mobile phone access. For most of us, checking notifications, scrolling through social media, or catching up on the news is the first instinct upon waking. However, transitioning from sleep to wakefulness is delicate, and how we start our day can profoundly influence our mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Here are five specific ways checking your phone first thing in the morning may be harming your mental and physical health:

1. Sleep Cycle Disruption

The blue light emitted by smartphones can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Exposing yourself to blue light immediately after waking up can confuse your circadian rhythm. This can lead to fatigue throughout the day and make it difficult to fall asleep the following night, creating a vicious cycle of poor sleep quality.

2. Higher Levels of Stress and Anxiety

Starting your day by checking notifications can lead to elevated stress and anxiety. Whether emails, social media updates, or news alerts, these messages often create a stressful and anxious beginning to your day. This stress can trigger increased cortisol levels and a higher heart rate, impacting mood and physical health.

This stress can manifest as racing thoughts, an inability to relax, or physical symptoms like a pounding heart or difficulty breathing (Source: Freepik)

3. Impaired Focus and Productivity

Checking your phone first thing in the morning distracts you from more productive and meaningful activities, such as meditation, exercise, or having a healthy breakfast. This habit can hinder your focus throughout the day, leading to decreased productivity and impaired performance in both academic and professional environments.

4. Neglect of a Morning Routine

A healthy morning routine is essential for a productive day, but prioritizing your phone over self-care can cause you to miss out on valuable rituals that promote well-being. Activities like stretching, journaling, or enjoying a mindful cup of coffee can enhance mental clarity and boost physical health. By neglecting these activities, you may feel fatigued and less prepared to face the day’s challenges.

5. Comparison and Low Self-Esteem

The brain is in a vulnerable state when you wake up, and immediately scrolling through social media can set a negative tone for your self-image. Social media platforms often showcase idealized versions of life, and comparing yourself to others first thing in the morning can lead to low self-esteem, setting the stage for mood swings throughout the day.

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